如果有天過境美國可以不用申請簽證,該有多省事才好! 最近剛重新申請ESTA 簽證,因為2015年申請的ESTA到期,從通過那天開始算兩年效期,或是護照到期則簽證也同時失效。僥倖以為這次不用再重新填資料,沒想到因為拖到過期後才申請,線上系統顯示查無資料。仔細看了一下英文官方說明,才發現原來如果在過期後申請,就得重新來過填寫申請資料!還好之前的資料有存擋起來,所以第二次申請時,照著第一次的資料,再重新key in一次省下不少時間,只是這次沒有當下就收到通過認證,大概等了兩天的時間才通過申請! 參考資料:https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/ HOW LONG IS MY ESTA VALID FOR? Unless revoked, travel authorizations are valid for two years from the date of authorization, or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. The Authorization Approved screen displays your travel authorization expiration date. Your ESTA authorization is generally valid for multiple trips over a period of two years (starting the date that you are approved) or until your passport expires, whichever comes first*. This means that a s long as you received an ESTA authorization to travel, you do not have to reapply during the validity period. If your ESTA expires while in the U.S. it will not affect your departure. Note: Is it important to...
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